Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

Syzygy Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

William Prest's Blog (175)

Action temperarily restricted

Technical problems with my home server leaves me some rather restricted activity for the foreseeable future. I hope this will get together in time for my next upload by tomorrow latest.

Added by William Prest on September 16, 2010 at 1:42pm — No Comments

Street Cent$ is now in html format and more eadily accessed

A trial issue of Street Cent$ = Two Edged Sword, Vol 1 Iss 16 can be viewed hare:…


Added by William Prest on August 26, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments

This weeks PDF of Two Edged Sword/Street Cent$

new pdf format of Street Cent$/Two Edged Sword available at;

This link does nor appear to work, request a copy by sending an enail and one will be sent.

Added by William Prest on July 30, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments

False Flag Alert Tornot G8-G20 Summit, Lies lies lies by the police

This just in!! Hot Hot Hot! False Flag Alert!Monday June 28th, 2010: The Toronto Police were

involved in Riot Fraud, Engaged in purposeful provocation. See the



Added by William Prest on June 28, 2010 at 10:07pm — No Comments

Issues of Street Cent$ avialable

For those who are interested, issues of Street Cent$ are available as are subs. The upcoming issue deals with the summit in Toronto

back PDF issues available on request.

Added by William Prest on June 28, 2010 at 10:00pm — No Comments

SHAME! Israel's State Terrorism

In the early hours of the morning when a humanitarian flotilla of six



Added by William Prest on May 31, 2010 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Street Cent$l a new newsweek from the streets to the international

Announcing, Street Cent$, a revolution oriented weekly publication detailing events locally and around the world. Volume 1 Issue 2 is now available hard copy for mail-out and in PDF format for downloading. Inquire about a one year subscription either here or e-mail, indicate in the subject heading - Street Cent$

Added by William Prest on May 21, 2010 at 2:24am — 2 Comments

Biological War on Afghanistan

On the morning of May 13th, 2010, the BBC news let slip out and later covered their tracks, that US planes were seen spreading a

white powder over suspected crops of opium poppies as an operation

against the Taliban. The result was a virulent mould or fungus that

killed 80 percent of the crop before it could be used to harvest the

sap for opiates. There was another result. All food…


Added by William Prest on May 15, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Britain's Hung Parliament

Yes! It's a hung parliament, but unfortunately there was no rope involved. There wasn't even a tour of the gallows. Considering the crimes

against the unemployed, the coal miners and the poor, they should

have been shown the ropes at the local collieries. If this were not

enough, the British capitalists are about as non-green as a

capitalist can get. According to…


Added by William Prest on May 7, 2010 at 11:35pm — No Comments

Dual Power in the Struggle for Worker's Power in Nepal

“You must come to Kathmandu with shroud cloth wrapped around your heads and flour in your bags.

It will be our last battle. If we succeed, we survive, else it will be the end of our party.” —

General Secretary Badal of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)

Though we are not Maoist in orientation, nevertheless…


Added by William Prest on May 3, 2010 at 10:31pm — No Comments

This just in: Potential for Deletion

OK folks; this is important! Effective May 4th, 2010, Ning is implimenting from what I can determine, a pay-as-you-go social web service. There will be a 10 week "grace" period to decide or be deleted entirely. The new management does not want "freeloaders", but people who will pay. This is decision time as to where to go frm here. The ax falls on or about 70 days from Mat 4th, or about Tuesday July 13th, 2010. As we are likely the smallest group, we will likely face the ax first. Give me some… Continue

Added by William Prest on April 23, 2010 at 7:54pm — No Comments

UK: First it was Immigrants. Now it's the Poor

There is an election fever building in Britain during this time of economic stress brought about first in the US with the Sub-prime crisis of the

fall of 2008 and now it is the shut down of the economy brought to us

by nature in the form of a volcano in Iceland. The British have just

been going through a hysterical anti immigrant phase due to a strong

downturn of the economy. The consensus is…


Added by William Prest on April 20, 2010 at 10:15pm — No Comments

Pope Bend-a-Dick XVI says “Tie a Knot in It or Else!”

The Pope has been under attack for obstructing justice in the case of protecting an American priest who abused children under his care. Several have called for the Pope's arrest as a crime against humanity. The Pope in a face saving gesture apologized for the suffering the victims had to endue, but offered nothing by way of recompense to the victims or prosecution of the offenders. He the deflected criticism away…


Added by William Prest on April 13, 2010 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Rising Discontent and Potential Revolution in Kyrgyzstan

Five years ago, people were fed up with the ruling government in post soviet Kyrgyzstan. Since early April 2010, fed up with the

replacement, they have once more hit the streets, seized the media

and overthrown the replacement government because of the failure to

contain rising prices and unemployment. There is now a provisional

government in place, but no clear certainty how long this will…


Added by William Prest on April 8, 2010 at 8:31pm — No Comments

Time as Commodity and Property

How often have we all heard the boss or some other authority say “My time” and “your time” as it it was something physical that can be divided and parcelled out or exchanged like vegetables, metals, cloth, houses, cars or some other commodity? Most of us have heard it more than once. This idea that time is something that can be bought, sold and traded is something of a huge misunderstanding. In fact, time has become regarded like a commodity; at least by some people. Time is one… Continue

Added by William Prest on April 8, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

The Lumpenization of the World Proletariat

Since the sub-prime crisis of Sept.-Oct. 2008, the world economy has been in a slide with an estimated over 200 million new unemployed (Jan. 27th, 2010), from an estimated 58.8 million at the end of 2009. These new unemployed are entering a world drifting to the Friedman doctrine of “absolute capitalism” where there are few or no resources of support to carry them over to a new employment opportunity. Many try to emigrate to areas where they perceive that opportunities may be in… Continue

Added by William Prest on April 2, 2010 at 10:28pm — No Comments

What Every Christian Will Not Tell You About the Bible

What we present hereinafter is a series of Biblical passages that most Christians not only turn a blind eye too, but even persecute those who are aware of these passages and attempt to waken the people. We present a formal challenge to mainstream Christians of all sects and persuasion to prove us wrong from the standpoint of the very book they hold sacred.…


Added by William Prest on April 1, 2010 at 12:16am — No Comments

Anti-fascist Rally Against Racist Provocation in Vancouver

The racists did not show at the time and place that they had indicated for a rally on March 21st, 2010 in New Westminster that was to be the jump-off point for an intercity march to downtown Vancouver. An unverified rumour that surfaced at a gathering of 150 to 200 people who stand up for ethnic and minority rights did show up as a counter demo. The rumour indicated that the fascists showed up and an alternate assembly point to begin their march. Meanwhile the group of… Continue

Added by William Prest on March 21, 2010 at 7:40pm — 1 Comment

Immigrants and Workplace Injustice

Employers, companies, CEOs, entrepreneurs and capitalists are all seeking to cut costs inn order to boost profit margins. There are a number of ways to do this, such as outsourcing to offshore labour, importing cheap labour, cutting back on workers' hard won benefits in renegotiated contracts, investing in intensive automation or scaling back the number of employees doing the same work. They often enlist the powers of the government in order to achieve legislative and legal… Continue

Added by William Prest on March 20, 2010 at 5:51pm — No Comments

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