Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

Syzygy Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

William Prest
  • Male
  • Vancouver, BC
  • Canada

William Prest's Friends

  • Sea Shepherd Pirate
  • Deha Saracoglu
  • Victory
  • Fire Fly in the Dark
  • darnerman
  • Vaughn
  • Deb

William Prest's Discussions

Call to a New Action
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by William Prest Mar 28, 2010.

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William Prest posted a blog post

Is Salvation in Christ Selfishly Motivated?

What the Churches are Not Saying: A Call to Believers to Leave the Synagogue of SatanHundreds of millions, perhaps billions, have heard the Gospel, but what exactly have they heard? We are warned about deception throughout the Bible with plenty of examples provided. It seems that the modern Christian has been led down the garden path, not to salvation, but to something else. The battle between Satan and Christ is more intense than ever and there is a long history of experience behind it.…See More
Mar 25, 2020
William Prest commented on William Prest's blog post 2014: A Qualitative Shift Toward the Precipice and World Revolution
"Here is another two occurrences of 2014 that was overlooked in the article.T he Sochi Olympics becomes a focus as a result of the nearby Ukraine civil war and fascist coup and a move against gay rights Passing of the death penalty against gay…"
Dec 30, 2014
William Prest posted a blog post

2014: A Qualitative Shift Toward the Precipice and World Revolution

Wm. F. Raymond once predicted that 2014 would be a year of upheaval and transformation back in the early 1980s to the author; and so it has materialized into just that condition. The prediction arose out of the 1960s, during an earlier uprising against injustice that resulted in the Watt's riots. 2014 has turned out to be a year of tumult, with masses rising up around the world, but lacking real leadership for revolution. The prophecy continues beyond that into 2015 and beyond, with the…See More
Dec 27, 2014
William Prest posted a blog post

Climate Change, Deniers, Activists, Apathetic, We Are All Involved, Like it or Not.

The Climate Change rally and march of Sept. 21st, 2014 was held around the world and for the most part was peaceful with no confrontation with the cops, unlike other rallies of the past such as Occupy Wall Street and Casseroles. It was reported that New York saw 310,000 people march. Vancouver's march had a few thousand, which is the largest march since the early period of Occupy Vancouver. Even so, almost everyone else in Vancouver (over 99%) was involved in typical weekend activities such as…See More
Sep 22, 2014
William Prest posted a video

Climate change regime change sept 21 2014

Thousands march in Vancouver in a popular front against climate change. Many different organizations rallied and marched in this demonstration against climat...
Sep 22, 2014
William Prest posted a video

May Day and No Pipeline Demo MAy 2014 take 2

Various political interests gathered at Victory Square for the annual May Day event. The Anarchists, anti-pipeline activists, First Nations and others spoke ...
May 4, 2014
William Prest commented on William Prest's blog post The Necessity of Dual Power A Step to World Transformation: Toward Proletarian Rule
May 4, 2014
William Prest posted a blog post

Comparative Bible References: KJV, NIV, Douay-Reims, Greek/Hebrew, JW, Contemporary English

We have been lied to! The so called sacred writing are a long running psy-op designed for a single purpose and that is to confuse and terrify! Woe betide those who fall on the wrong side of the rulers' agenda for humanity to the end of their own aggrandizement. Examining the plethora of Biblical translations and cross checking with translations from the Greek to other languages and from various versions to Greek, we find amazing discrepancies that expose the lie and the result of those lies to…See More
Mar 3, 2014
William Prest posted a video

Anti corruptio anti Harper March and rally mar 1 2014

Around 200 people gathered and marched to protest against corruption in government and industry. Folks from Idle No More were on hand as were other supporter...
Mar 3, 2014
William Prest posted a blog post
Jan 30, 2014
William Prest posted a blog post
Jan 21, 2014
William Prest posted a blog post
Jan 1, 2014
William Prest posted videos
Dec 26, 2013
William Prest posted a blog post
Dec 7, 2013
William Prest posted a blog post

Why the Left and Working Class Must Embrace Environmental Issues

This is a thoroughly cross linked article concerning the harm done to the earth by the current capitalist system and why it must be replaced and what we need to do. More
Dec 5, 2013
William Prest posted a blog post
Nov 18, 2013

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William Prest's Blog

Is Salvation in Christ Selfishly Motivated?

What the Churches are Not Saying: A Call to Believers to Leave the Synagogue of Satan

Hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, have heard the Gospel, but what exactly have they heard? We are warned about deception throughout the Bible with…


Posted on March 25, 2020 at 8:30pm

A Call For a Jubilee Economic Revolt

A Call For a Jubilee Economic Revolt

An unannounced and undeclared war has been building in our midst since the so called “Reagan revolution.” Recently, with the developer craze erupting in our midst, the war on the poor has escalated. The war on poverty is thus really a war on the poor. Around the continent, the war has gotten hot in many places. This has to change and several groups have entered the fray among which is the 144k activists…


Posted on November 26, 2015 at 10:40pm

To all who proclaim to be Christian and those who are self identified as the progressive left

To all who proclaim to be Christian and those who are self identified as the progressive left, here then is my challenge. The mark of the true left progressive and the real Christian is the stand they take on the economic question. That economy is clearly outlined in the Bible for all those who care enough to investigate it for themselves. The concept is simple and twofold. The prophets and Jesus were against usury/interest. Source after source and many passages in both testaments are…


Posted on October 23, 2015 at 12:14am — 3 Comments

Greece and the Emerging Left: Syriza and What Must Be Done

After the economic meltdown that began from the sub-prime crisis of 2007-09, the rest of the world economy went into a depression with huge implications for the working class and poor. The “solution” imposed by the IMF was austerity for the masses in order for various countries to gain loans and bailouts for banks and corporations. Over the years, austerity tightened deeper and deep until youth unemployment reached a staggering 60%. This gave rise to Syriza and…


Posted on January 31, 2015 at 10:24pm — 2 Comments

2014: A Qualitative Shift Toward the Precipice and World Revolution

Wm. F. Raymond once predicted that 2014 would be a year of upheaval and transformation back in the early 1980s to the author; and so it has materialized into just that condition. The prediction arose out of the 1960s, during an earlier uprising against injustice that resulted in the Watt's riots. 2014 has turned out to be a year of tumult, with masses rising up around the world, but lacking real leadership for revolution. The prophecy continues beyond that into…


Posted on December 27, 2014 at 11:01pm — 2 Comments

Comment Wall (2 comments)

At 6:59pm on August 11, 2009, darnerman said…
Thankyou for sharing your thoughts at free speech uncensord,I want to commend you for "Profiling the Poor as Terrorists" article.This issue runs very deep through my blood.I have travelled across Canada and have seen first hand the way the homeless are treated.
It is very sad indeed,I plan on attending the games this year in your province,but not as a spectator.I will be there to join the protest against these games .I will be staying in Nanamio,I believe that these games will be a chance to get the concessions out of the levels of all governments for the would be unwise of them to not come to the table.As you know ,the last issue they want to deal with is the voice of the people who demand that our countryman be treated the way they have been...this is the chance to put them to the test..The rest of the world must know the agendas true colour.......peace
At 6:10pm on August 17, 2009, darnerman said…
Your support at Lees site was welcome as well as the very good comment you left for the homaphobic james character.Dave was removed as was Sue dreamwalker points out and yourself .we must be vigillant.Yes censcorship is rearing its ugly head.I suspect whoever will be back..thankyou for the reply and your words William....respect...peace

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