Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

Syzygy Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

All Blog Posts Tagged 'capitalism' (16)

A Call For a Jubilee Economic Revolt

A Call For a Jubilee Economic Revolt

An unannounced and undeclared war has been building in our midst since the so called “Reagan revolution.” Recently, with the developer craze erupting in our midst, the war on the poor has escalated. The war on poverty is thus really a war on the poor. Around the continent, the war has gotten hot in many places. This has to change and several groups have entered the fray among which is the 144k activists…


Added by William Prest on November 26, 2015 at 10:40pm — No Comments

2014: A Qualitative Shift Toward the Precipice and World Revolution

Wm. F. Raymond once predicted that 2014 would be a year of upheaval and transformation back in the early 1980s to the author; and so it has materialized into just that condition. The prediction arose out of the 1960s, during an earlier uprising against injustice that resulted in the Watt's riots. 2014 has turned out to be a year of tumult, with masses rising up around the world, but lacking real leadership for revolution. The prophecy continues beyond that into…


Added by William Prest on December 27, 2014 at 11:01pm — 2 Comments

Why the Left and Working Class Must Embrace Environmental Issues

This is a thoroughly cross linked article concerning the harm done to the earth by the current capitalist system and why it must be replaced and what we need to do.

Added by William Prest on December 5, 2013 at 4:27pm — No Comments

Strange facts about History, Nostradamus, the Messiah and the anti-Messiah

Here is a series of four line verses from Nostradamus about the Messiah and the anti-Messiah. There are two links, one specific to the Messiah and the other specific to the anti-Messiah. The one on the Messiah contains the link in the historic flow to the anti-Messiah.

The Messiah:

The anti-Messiah…


Added by William Prest on November 23, 2012 at 7:27pm — No Comments

Queer for Capitalism: Queering the Gay Pride Week

Gay rights are human rights and are not special rights. To say that gay rights are special rights means that human rights are special rights, which not one will accept as true. The gay community and gay rights struggle has been co-opted for something more capital friendly and that does not care for rights except the right to exploit for profit. Here is an article containing something of gay rights history since 1969 and how that got lost over the next several years. Now Gay Pride is more…


Added by William Prest on July 29, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

Planned Obsolescence and Engineering Failure

We have had a very busy and negative day. Here is a taste of what we now have to endure by the likes of capitalist profiteering.

Added by William Prest on July 27, 2012 at 7:44pm — No Comments

Arresting the Banksters and Ending Their Cabal: When and How

Iceland has done it, but so far no action has been taken in the rest of the Capitalist world, especially in the UK and US where corruption continues to be rife and obvious. There are petitions circulating calling for the arrest of the banksters, but this so far appears to be within the context of capitalism and as a result is a futile request and an impossible reform. It could not even be a transitional demand because to effect this, the working class is going to…


Added by William Prest on July 12, 2012 at 10:59pm — 1 Comment

Nostradamus Predicts: The Workers' Shall Inherit the Earth (Dictatorship of the Proletariat)

This is the link to an article co-written by W. F. Raymond and myself on the prophecies of Nostradamus concerning the USSR and the important figures of history who shaped the 20th century and have a profound influence on all thinking on the left today.

Added by William Prest on May 2, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Class War

This updated article is now located at;

Added by William Prest on July 3, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Street Cent$ -Two Edged sword V 1 I 23

Here is the link to the latest. Many important issues over the economy are covered.

Added by William Prest on October 15, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

Street Cent$ - Two Edged Sword Volum 1 Issue 22 is availaable.

Here is the link for the current issue:

Due to the costs of putting this out, we are requesting supportive donations made payable to Paypal via e-mail Indicate Street Cent$ donation. If the donation is $10.00 CDN then you will get a 1 year sub of a PDF e-mailed… Continue

Added by William Prest on October 8, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Street Cent$-Two Edged Sword Vol 1 Issue 21

The new issue is out for your enjoyment. The article on the Big Pharma plans to make herbal treatments illegal does not seem to format properly on some browsers. Our apologies. There is a PDF format available by request and a donation. This issue has a first in a series on the First Nations and their experience under a couple of regimes starting with colonialism and ending with the NWO program of internationalist capitalism. This will develop into the history of the First Nations from their… Continue

Added by William Prest on October 1, 2010 at 8:30pm — No Comments

The Lumpenization of the World Proletariat

Since the sub-prime crisis of Sept.-Oct. 2008, the world economy has been in a slide with an estimated over 200 million new unemployed (Jan. 27th, 2010), from an estimated 58.8 million at the end of 2009. These new unemployed are entering a world drifting to the Friedman doctrine of “absolute capitalism” where there are few or no resources of support to carry them over to a new employment opportunity. Many try to emigrate to areas where they perceive that opportunities may be in… Continue

Added by William Prest on April 2, 2010 at 10:28pm — No Comments

21:12:2012: A Crossroad: Barbarism or Communism

A mountain of speculation exists as to the meaning of Dec. 21St, 2012. There are as many ideas seemingly as there are people. Popularly, the date centers on the Mayan calendar that indicates that this date is the end of the current cycle of the long count that extends for 5,125 years that commenced on August 13th, 3114 BC. Many people have taken this date and suggested that it points to the end…


Added by William Prest on February 13, 2010 at 10:45pm — No Comments

Building the Friedmanite Hit list

Milton Friedman is the economic and political philosopher behind the shock doctrine that serves as the contemporary tool of the capitalist exploiter in the form of absolute capitalism. Milton Friedman created the so-called “Chicago School” of followers that was first used in South America when Allende was overthrown by Pinochet on Sept 11th, 1973. Pinochet was convinced more than many others to use the…


Added by William Prest on February 5, 2010 at 9:51pm — No Comments

Haiti; the Earthquake; Aftermath and Disaster Capitalism

On Tuesday January 12th, 2010, at 4:53 PM local time, an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale struck just 15 kilometres southwest outside of Port Au Prince, the Capital. This was the first major earthquake in over 200 years. There were many aftershocks, some almost as severe. The damage was immense, with 40,000 buried by Friday the 15th and an expected 100,000 more dead. Even more were injured. As the buildings were old, the country the poorest in the western hemisphere and as a… Continue

Added by William Prest on January 17, 2010 at 1:22am — No Comments

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