Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

Syzygy Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

All Blog Posts Tagged 'war' (12)

A Call For a Jubilee Economic Revolt

A Call For a Jubilee Economic Revolt

An unannounced and undeclared war has been building in our midst since the so called “Reagan revolution.” Recently, with the developer craze erupting in our midst, the war on the poor has escalated. The war on poverty is thus really a war on the poor. Around the continent, the war has gotten hot in many places. This has to change and several groups have entered the fray among which is the 144k activists…


Added by William Prest on November 26, 2015 at 10:40pm — No Comments

2014: A Qualitative Shift Toward the Precipice and World Revolution

Wm. F. Raymond once predicted that 2014 would be a year of upheaval and transformation back in the early 1980s to the author; and so it has materialized into just that condition. The prediction arose out of the 1960s, during an earlier uprising against injustice that resulted in the Watt's riots. 2014 has turned out to be a year of tumult, with masses rising up around the world, but lacking real leadership for revolution. The prophecy continues beyond that into…


Added by William Prest on December 27, 2014 at 11:01pm — 2 Comments

Boston Watershed: What the Outcome of the Boston Marathon Bombing and Aftermath Presages

No matter how one considers the events that occurred in Boston as the first runners crossed the finish line on Apr. 15Th, 2013, and bombs went off, the unfolding events, no matter how interpreted has led to a frightening conclusion that is a clear and present warning to all of us around the world of our collective drift into an Orwellian fascism. Whether one considers the events and the unfolding of history thereafter over the several days a false flag…


Added by William Prest on April 21, 2013 at 12:37am — 8 Comments

Strange facts about History, Nostradamus, the Messiah and the anti-Messiah

Here is a series of four line verses from Nostradamus about the Messiah and the anti-Messiah. There are two links, one specific to the Messiah and the other specific to the anti-Messiah. The one on the Messiah contains the link in the historic flow to the anti-Messiah.

The Messiah:

The anti-Messiah…


Added by William Prest on November 23, 2012 at 7:27pm — No Comments

The exploding holocaust in Gaza

Keep tuned to this blog as it is detailing the unfolding holocaust in the Gaza ghetto.

Added by William Prest on November 15, 2012 at 11:14pm — No Comments

The Intensity of Unfolding Events is Accelerating

Here are some references about the impending fiscal cliff that will plunge the 47% into total poverty while taxes are increased to support oppression abroad.

This info brought to you byl…


Added by William Prest on November 15, 2012 at 3:58pm — No Comments

Socialism for the Elite; Slavery & Death for the Masses

The elite, the rich, the CEOs of big companies like Private bank CEOs, Wal-Mart, Google, Microsoft, Shell Oil, Exxon, GM et al already live in an international society where they are free to go anywhere and do anything at any time without risk to their safety. They live in an international socialist paradise that provides for all their needs from cradle to grave that is not shared out to the people they exploit in…


Added by William Prest on October 10, 2011 at 12:14am — No Comments

In Answer to Zeitgeist

Technocracy has not been, nor is, nor will be the panacea for the betterment of humanity. Although the concern for the equitable distribution of resources is paramount in the solving of human problems, there remains an encumbrance to the effecting that necessity. That encumbrance is the conservative, hide-bound power elite and their military structures entrenched around the world in…


Added by William Prest on July 16, 2011 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Class War

This updated article is now located at;

Added by William Prest on July 3, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

UK: First it was Immigrants. Now it's the Poor

There is an election fever building in Britain during this time of economic stress brought about first in the US with the Sub-prime crisis of the

fall of 2008 and now it is the shut down of the economy brought to us

by nature in the form of a volcano in Iceland. The British have just

been going through a hysterical anti immigrant phase due to a strong

downturn of the economy. The consensus is…


Added by William Prest on April 20, 2010 at 10:15pm — No Comments

Obama and the Unofficial Declaration of WWIII

The failed attempt of a terrorist, Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab to bring down an air flight with 300 US passengers over the US on Christmas day of 2009 has lead to a huge tightening of security around the world. This means that airports are rushing to install body scanners that can read through clothes in a virtual strip search of all travellers in a bid to stop a lone terrorist with ostensible and yet to be proven contacts with Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Ladin or other terror connections. The recent… Continue

Added by William Prest on January 17, 2010 at 1:24am — 1 Comment

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