Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

Syzygy Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

All Blog Posts Tagged 'new' (4)

The Ways To Patent A Helpful Invention

Merely a retail investor is interested in purchasing a product is a driving force for companies considering product licensing. I've seen plenty scenarios in which a company had fascination with an invention though ultimately decided to feed on the hint because their potential consumer (the retailer) to help show any concern in the product. Conversely, I've visible companies with mild interest in an approach who jump for any new product any retailer expresses requirement for it.

Human… Continue

Added by Letha Paquette on June 9, 2013 at 1:27am — No Comments

Look At New Movies On The Internet

The moment you have the appropriate software or hardware, it can be uncomplicated to check out films. All you have to do is pick the one particular you want to view. You can do this by your Online browser or by way of the interface on your wi-fi machine. The film is then played on your laptop or Tv set.

In old days right up until current generation, folks are continue to queue in front of the theater, to acquire a ticket to enjoy their favorite television set or film displays. In… Continue

Added by Nola Sanborn on June 1, 2013 at 10:20am — No Comments

Socialism for the Elite; Slavery & Death for the Masses

The elite, the rich, the CEOs of big companies like Private bank CEOs, Wal-Mart, Google, Microsoft, Shell Oil, Exxon, GM et al already live in an international society where they are free to go anywhere and do anything at any time without risk to their safety. They live in an international socialist paradise that provides for all their needs from cradle to grave that is not shared out to the people they exploit in…


Added by William Prest on October 10, 2011 at 12:14am — No Comments

America's 3rd Revolution: The Neo-Fundamentalist Tea Party (Must Read)

First there was 1776 when the fledgling 13 colonies revolted against

various taxes imposed by Britain including the tax on tea that caused

for starters, the Boston Tea Party, where bales of tea were dumped

into the ocean to protest against the various taxes being imposed on

the colonies from afar. Then in 1980 when Reagan got into power,

there was the revolution on the right as it was called when…

Added by William Prest on October 9, 2010 at 9:25pm — No Comments

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