Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

Syzygy Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

All Blog Posts Tagged 'Nations' (4)

Canadians Convinced Indians Live in Lap of Luxury

7/9/1996 – 11/11/2011

The Indians it seems are in constant struggle for land rights and claims. They are in struggle for cultural rights, like the practice of their indigenous religion, etc. Yet, in a survey that was done on a random cross section of the Canadian people, it was determined that the majority thought that the Indians are…


Added by William Prest on November 11, 2011 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Street Cent$ - Two Edged Sword Volum 1 Issue 22 is availaable.

Here is the link for the current issue:

Due to the costs of putting this out, we are requesting supportive donations made payable to Paypal via e-mail Indicate Street Cent$ donation. If the donation is $10.00 CDN then you will get a 1 year sub of a PDF e-mailed… Continue

Added by William Prest on October 8, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Street Cent$-Two Edged Sword Vol 1 Issue 21

The new issue is out for your enjoyment. The article on the Big Pharma plans to make herbal treatments illegal does not seem to format properly on some browsers. Our apologies. There is a PDF format available by request and a donation. This issue has a first in a series on the First Nations and their experience under a couple of regimes starting with colonialism and ending with the NWO program of internationalist capitalism. This will develop into the history of the First Nations from their… Continue

Added by William Prest on October 1, 2010 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Biological War on Afghanistan

On the morning of May 13th, 2010, the BBC news let slip out and later covered their tracks, that US planes were seen spreading a

white powder over suspected crops of opium poppies as an operation

against the Taliban. The result was a virulent mould or fungus that

killed 80 percent of the crop before it could be used to harvest the

sap for opiates. There was another result. All food…


Added by William Prest on May 15, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

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