Revolutionary Liberation Gospel
Syzygy Revolutionary Liberation Gospel
The enforced march of Greece to austerity by the ruling elite speaking through the Greek government both nationally and internationally has been blocked for the moment by Greek Communists who are currently occupying the financial ministry since early Wednesday March 3rd, 2010. This is a clear message that Greek Communists at least, if not more of the population are not willing to accept the enforcement of the Friedman shock doctrine on their people and country. An article that is reflected by other media such as BBC news, is quoted below for reference.
“Hundreds of communists from Greece's All-Workers Militant Front on Thursday staged a sit-in at the finance ministry to protest against austerity measures announced by the government.
Around 300 protestors pushed their way past a lone guard early Thursday to gain access to the building and unfurl a banner urging Greeks to "rise up" and thwart the draconian debt-reduction measures.
Some activists also blocked employees from entering the building.
Greece on Wednesday launched a fresh round of austerity measures aimed at reassuring markets and winning crucial European support that analysts say could come soon. Related article: ECB meets on Greek finance crisis
The Socialist government increased sales, tobacco and alcohol taxes and cut public sector holiday allowances to save 4.8 billion euros (6.5 billion dollars), equal to about two percent of gross domestic product (GDP).
Pensions in the public and private sector were also frozen.” (source Yahoo News)
Other sources such as BBC news inform us that the collapse of the Greek economy due to lack of capitalist trust could mean a end to pensions and other social benefits. Another country also under fire is Portugal, which many consider the next capitalist domino to fall under the full effect of the shock doctrine. There is high unemployment in both countries resulting in a low tax base and poor sales in the retail sector. Thus these countries are a money loser and have to be restructured in order to be more profitable. This type of program is now unfolding in the US, Canada and the rest of Europe. Earlier, the Iceland economy collapsed shortly after the speculative housing bubble burst on Wall Street in late 2008. The solution of the Wall Street capitalists was bail out money at home for banks and CEOs, de-industrialization at home and large investment in China and India where labour costs were much lower and health and environmental controls are virtually non-existent. In a world of collapsing economies, China and India stood out unique as being the only ones to grow during an expanding depression. Europe has no such bail out structure, such as in the US, in place and each country has to fend for themselves or risk bringing down all of Europe through devaluing the Euro, an all Europe currency.
It is this structure that is causing the rest of Europe to order Greece to force austerity and concessions on the working people, the pensioners, the sick and millions of unemployed. These are the very people that can't afford to take the kind of austerities that are recommended for improving the economy. Meanwhile, the elite and rich make sure that they are protected from such austerities. The shock doctrine is sold on the lie of laissie-faire capitalism and individualism in an era of encroaching and expanding imperialist monopoly capitalism. It is one reason why the Euro was crated to unite the various economies of Europe to stand in more effective competition to the juggernaut of US imperialism. But like US capitalism, the winning monopolies will take the assets, but leave the debts to the corporate individuals and workers overtaken. This is just another form of legalized theft and reflects the earlier loss of homes in the millions under the mortgage defaults in the manufactured sub-prime crisis of the US where workers lost homes and everything they invested over a life time.
When the Communists took over the financial ministry, they declared to the world by example of the necessary first step in order to wrest the mismanaged economy of the anarchy of capitalism out of the hands of greedy imperialist individuals. We hope that this will extend to all of the productive faculties of Greece and more, that this will extend to the rest of Europe and the world. It is time for a planned economy managed by the working class.
The Greek Communist Party was founded in 1918, shortly after the successful October Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917. The Greek Communists were initially composed of socialists, anarchists and communist groups. They struggled to create things like pensions, an 8 hour work day, trade unions, sick benefits and other things that were set by way of example in the Paris Commune of 1871 of which Marx himself had a lot to say. By 1920, the Greek Communists sought to create a Communist state operating on Democratic Centralism. They were also opposed to war, specifically against Turkey and later over the invasion by the Nazis. Those who think that Communism is dead, ought to watch and take note. On our part as communists, we hope that this will extend to exclude capitalism out of Greece and expand to the rest of Europe to set an example to the US and Canadian working class to follow. Those of us who are informed communists need to take note to work all the more as the vanguard to lead the world proletariat to a world wide planned economy.
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