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All Blog Posts Tagged 'patent' (3)

Scary Inventions

Yesterday I saw brand new invention that assesses your girth. So what that do with that information? Well, if you hold your incredible stomach in, acquire clear sound inside your headphones. If you let your stomach hang out, the songs is low higher quality and loses volume. While I'm not sure how this stomach-exercise-motivator will sell, it does let you know how using the concept of measurement to keep control of can lead to very different new developments. In fact, any application of an… Continue

Added by Porfirio Alger on June 22, 2013 at 2:31am — No Comments

The Facts About Evident Pending

Falkowski notes that you will discover numerous of common things for the unwary lay person, when it comes to intellectual property rights in general plus patents in particular.

But they are latecomers in the police eye, they usually are not newcomers up to the science; in addition , they think they are going to have an advantage that will en all the outcome to enable people to actually execute it to current market first in a very major way: These items understand how it works, thanks… Continue

Added by Kirsten Faust on June 16, 2013 at 2:52am — No Comments

The Ways To Patent A Helpful Invention

Merely a retail investor is interested in purchasing a product is a driving force for companies considering product licensing. I've seen plenty scenarios in which a company had fascination with an invention though ultimately decided to feed on the hint because their potential consumer (the retailer) to help show any concern in the product. Conversely, I've visible companies with mild interest in an approach who jump for any new product any retailer expresses requirement for it.

Human… Continue

Added by Letha Paquette on June 9, 2013 at 1:27am — No Comments

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