Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

Syzygy Revolutionary Liberation Gospel

All Blog Posts Tagged 'Obama' (3)

America's 3rd Revolution: The Neo-Fundamentalist Tea Party (Must Read)

First there was 1776 when the fledgling 13 colonies revolted against

various taxes imposed by Britain including the tax on tea that caused

for starters, the Boston Tea Party, where bales of tea were dumped

into the ocean to protest against the various taxes being imposed on

the colonies from afar. Then in 1980 when Reagan got into power,

there was the revolution on the right as it was called when…

Added by William Prest on October 9, 2010 at 9:25pm — No Comments

Street Cent$-Two Edged Sword Vol 1 Issue 21

The new issue is out for your enjoyment. The article on the Big Pharma plans to make herbal treatments illegal does not seem to format properly on some browsers. Our apologies. There is a PDF format available by request and a donation. This issue has a first in a series on the First Nations and their experience under a couple of regimes starting with colonialism and ending with the NWO program of internationalist capitalism. This will develop into the history of the First Nations from their… Continue

Added by William Prest on October 1, 2010 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Obama and the Unofficial Declaration of WWIII

The failed attempt of a terrorist, Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab to bring down an air flight with 300 US passengers over the US on Christmas day of 2009 has lead to a huge tightening of security around the world. This means that airports are rushing to install body scanners that can read through clothes in a virtual strip search of all travellers in a bid to stop a lone terrorist with ostensible and yet to be proven contacts with Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Ladin or other terror connections. The recent… Continue

Added by William Prest on January 17, 2010 at 1:24am — 1 Comment

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